Reference – 06.10.2022

Procopé & Hornborg assists the winning bidder MERMEC S.p.A. in the public procurement and in the subsequent appeal at the Finnish Market Court

Main contact

Lotta Uusitalo

Partner, Attorney at Law, LL.M. (Bruges), Trained on the Bench

+358 40 8338 008

Procopé & Hornborg assisted a winning bidder MERMERC S.p.A. in the public procurement organised by the Finnish Transport Infrastructure Agency regarding the APMS system renewal. In addition, Procopé & Hornborg assisted MERMEC in responding to another bidder’s appeal at the Finnish Market Court.

MERMEC is a member company of ANGEL, the high-tech holding that includes some of the most innovative Italian companies in the fields of railways, digital mechatronics, and aerospace. MERMEC has been known as a reliable and pioneering developer of high-tech solutions to the railway and steel industries for over 30 years. 

Lotta Uusitalo, Asta Siponen, and Joel Nurmi.

Related professionals

  • Lotta Uusitalo

    Partner, Attorney at Law, LL.M. (Bruges), Trained on the Bench

    +358 40 8338 008

  • Asta Siponen

    Partner, Attorney at Law

    +358 50 0407 446

  • Joel Nurmi

    Associate, Licensed Legal Counsel

    +358 40 8339 385

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