Reference – 18.03.2024

Destia acquires Verkkoviikarit Oy

Main contact

Pia Tanskanen

Managing Partner, Attorney at Law, Trained on the Bench

+358 50 3143 143

We are pleased to announce that Destia has successfully acquired Verkkoviikarit Oy, with Procopé & Hornborg providing advisory support throughout the transaction. This strategic acquisition strengthens Destia’s capabilities within its rail business segment, especially in the fields of electrification and safety equipment.

Effective March 12, 2024, the entirety of Verkkoviikarit Oy’s operations, including its workforce of approximately 20 employees, equipment assets, and contracts, will be transferred to Destia.

As a leading provider of railway superstructure and safety equipment maintenance in Finland, Destia maintains over 3,600 kilometers of the state railway network and offers comprehensive services for private track maintenance and construction.

Verkkoviikarit Oy, previously a subcontractor for Destia, brings expertise in track construction, trams, metro systems, and electrical and other construction-related projects. This acquisition enhances Destia’s presence within the rail infrastructure sector.

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