Sami Koponen at Tallinn Arbitration Day 2024
Our dispute resolution expert Sami Koponen will be representing us at Tallinn Arbitration Day on…
Join us at Wind Finland 2024
We are pleased to announce that our Partner, Lotta Uusitalo, and Counsel, Jouko Markkanen, will…
Joel Nurmi admitted to the Finnish Bar Association and appointed Senior Associate
We are pleased to announce that our dispute resolution expert Joel Nurmi has officially been…
Ulla von Weissenberg and Pia Tanskanen at the IBA Annual Conference in Mexico City
Our legal experts, Ulla von Weissenberg and Pia Tanskanen, will be attending the International Bar…
Lotta Uusitalo appointed to the Finnish Bar Association’s legal expert team on competition law
We are pleased to announce that our Partner, Lotta Uusitalo, has been appointed to the…
Six observations from the Ministry of Justice’s memorandum on the need to reform the Finnish Arbitration Act
The reform of the Finnish Arbitration Act (FAA) is progressing. On 3 June 2024, the…
Kuusi havaintoa oikeusministeriön arviomuistiosta välimiesmenettelylain uudistustarpeista
Välimiesmenettelylain (VML) uudistaminen etenee. Oikeusministeriö (OM) on julkaissut 3.6.2024 muistion (linkki artikkelin lopussa), jossa arvioidaan…
Positive Credit Register was introduced on 1 April 2024 – Requests for credit register extracts from the register started briskly in April after the register was opened
The Positive Credit Register is a new register that collects information on private individuals' credit…
Procopé & Hornborg announces strategic practise areas and appoints Petri Kyllönen to Chairman of the Board
Procopé & Hornborg is pleased to announce key strategic updates aimed at driving customers’ success.…
Positiivinen luottorekisteri otettiin käyttöön 1.4.2024 – Luottotietorekisteriotteiden kysely on lähtenyt huhtikuussa vilkkaasti käyntiin rekisterin avauduttua
Positiivinen luottorekisteri on uusi rekisteri, johon kerätään tiedot yksityishenkilöiden luotoista ja tuloista yhteen paikkaan. Rekisterinpitäjänä…