
Sustainability as a core value 

Sustainability is a strategic signpost which guides both the needs of our clients and the way we work. Procopé & Hornborg has established a Corporate Responsibility & Sustainable Law practice area as well as an internal Sustainability and Green Transition group.  

Together as a team we: 
  • follow closely the legalization of corporate responsibility 
  • share the knowledge with our clients and other stakeholders 
  • develop sustainable business practices related to our people, environmental impact, and supply chain.
Sustainability creates value

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns are critical to every company today. However, ESG is not only about legal concerns. A sustainable ESG strategy creates value in many ways. It opens new business opportunities, supports cost reductions, and boosts employee motivation. Procopé & Hornborg shares knowledge with its clients to enable them to take positive steps on their ESG-path. 

Solar panel aerial view Solar panel aerial view
Sustainability as a way of working

Sustainability is also a core principle of our own way of working. Our human resource management focuses particularly on working conditions, work-life balance, and stress management. The development of our young talents and diverse guidance of each career path is of paramount importance to us. We also reduce our environmental impact in many ways, and ESG considerations are central to our decision-making when selecting suppliers. 

Our sustainability report and supplier guidelines

We believe that by developing our sustainability, we improve our vision and strategy. By publishing our first sustainability report, we take stock. With the disclosure of where we are today, we demonstrate commitment to transparency about our impact. We also commit ourselves to improve our sustainability each year.