Labour legislation will change significantly
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government is making significant and considerable amendments to the labour legislation…

The EU AI Act as a trailblazer in the regulation of artificial intelligence
The European Union is currently drafting an Artificial Intelligence Regulation which is going to be…

Values were created together
Growing together, agility and well-being are highlighted in Procopé & Hornborg’s new values. New values…

General reform of the Trade Register Act – new Trade Register Act effective as of 1 June 2023
Last year the government issued a proposal according to which the Trade Register Act would…

Enhanced pay transparency is around the corner – why should this be of interest to employers in Finland?
EU aims EU Pay Transparency Directive ((EU) 2023/970) has been approved by the European Parliament…

Increasingly smaller acquisitions are being investigated by the Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority (FCCA)
Corporations have to prepare for co-operation with the FCCA with increasingly smaller acquisitions. This will…

NATO membership is expected to open up new opportunities for Finnish companies
The war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022 has fundamentally changed the security…

Internationality and law in mind already in high school
An optional legal course in high school sparked Sonja Heinonen's interest in law. “Before that…

By a continuing power of attorney, you ensure a guardianship according to your wishes
A continuing power of attorney enables your individual wishes to be fulfilled when you need…

Procopé & Hornborg’s international network enhanced cooperation in Helsinki
The international network's cooperation and communication were key themes when lawyers from Lawyers Associated Worldwide…